On my way to becoming a “YouTubeur”

This blog is about constantly (re)inventing yourself in order to live a happier life, just in case I forgot it 🙂 I am so lucky to have a kind of rollercoaster existence, but anything has its price.

And so for a couple of weeks until now I was rather sad, depressed, trying to figure out what to create furthermore, as I am a kind of “jobless” in Martinique right now. I worked a little bit as a tourist guide for cruises, and then thought about writing novels and e-books.

Being without any regular job does not mean that I am without any professional activity, as I am learning a large amount of new things and growing my “employability”. I am constantly trying new concepts and tools, sometimes without purpose: this is my personal “research & development” effort. It helped me greatly to build our home, to found “Aventura Parc” with my wife, to create websites, and so on. Internet is full of open information about anything, and practically you do not have an excuse not to learn by yourself, haven’t you?

I was wandering in many directions, procrastinating and not finishing anything – except publishing my wife’s e-books on Amazon. But for a few days, all things seem to converge towards one point: becoming a “YouTubeur”. I made this mistake with purpose because I would like to express myself on YouTube, speaking in French, my native language.

So why write about that in an English blog?

Well, I commit myself to writing in English because it is my way of thanking all the people who freely put their knowledge at disposal on internet ; and it is mostly in english language. Furthermore, I try to improve my “english” skills.

For more than ten years I used to organize and facilitate team building events – mostly in Romania, in Romanian –  and I think it is my turn now to explain on short movies how to facilitate such events. I would like to reach francophone people as it is easier for me to explain myself in front of a camera in my mother tongue, and also because there is a need to explain all this stuff: most of professional in this area try to complicate things, and I would like to make it simple.

So the idea is: “Team Building Facile”, and I will try to transform this idea into something real and, maybe, use it to reinvent myself and create a new job for me, here, or anywhere in the world… That would be my next dream!

As an important tool for my future activity as a “YouTubeur”, I decided – after carefully reviewing and trying many options – to use the free version of the “Lightworks” software, in order to edit my videos and I would like to share with you a great tutorial in order to insert a graphic (a “png” file) into your clip. Look at that:

I also managed to create a kind of brand throughout my social networks accounts and I will keep you posted.

Wish me good luck and see you soon on YouTube!

I have to leave now since I am cooking for my son 🙂

We self-published an e-guide on Martinique!

I am excited to announce that, after months of visiting and photographing awesome locations, going on trails, writing and editing, Cristina and I finally self-published an innovative, extensive and responsive tourist e-guide about Martinique.

So, if you do not know where to spend the next holidays, why not pay a visit for a few days to this beautiful Caribbean island? All its treasures are waiting for you! Continue reading We self-published an e-guide on Martinique!