Tag Archives: native forest

2005 – Aventura Parc: The native forest…

The “history”, or rather the Aventura Parc story in Romania begins in 2005 when we were already looking for a forest for almost two years (sporadic at first, because we had to develop another company and build our house, and after a while systematically) where to build the first nature adventure park in Romania ;-) .

In villages around Bucharest we were greeted with astonishment, indifference, sometimes even with a slight aggression: what do the French guys want with their amusement park with cables, ropes and other crazy things? Our project was complete “extra terrestrial” in those days …

Fortunately sometime in early May 2005 we met in Butimanu an agricultural agent that has proven cooperative and open to our wacky idea. He told us about a hectare of forest at the edge of the village Lucianca (completely unknown then! :-P). We went to visit … As you’ll see below there was nothing special in this forest (…)

(…) Nevertheless in contrast to the dozens of parcels visited before it encompassed most of the conditions sine qua non that were required for us to buy something like this: national road access, proximity to an electric pole (we thought naively that it will be easy to put there a power transformer to the park but you will have to see what Electrica (the electricity company) did  to us in 2006  :-( ), relatively large trees for the area …

Like many in life, we made a decision quickly (about two days) and made the papers, paid the money, and took possession of Lucianca forest.

Quickly followed the establishement of the company, the beginning of the brand deposit procedure at the OSIM (another nest of “competent” people) and we only had to build the park… Indeed?

So much for 2005, thank you for reading 🙂 !