A little fun with Justin Bieber!

I had a little fun tonight with my son Marc who begins to change at a very fast pace, like all teenagers.

His mother just cut off his long hair, so you won’t be able to see the striking ressemblance between Justin Bieber and Marc…

Any way, it is just for fun ! Tell me, what do you think about it ??


Building our home in Bucharest #2

As I was telling you in a first post, we left our new-bought-house in Bucharest almost untouched for one year: from time to time we went there in order to make some measurements and figure out what we wanted to do with our new property.

We wanted to move in because of the constant tensions with my parents-in-law, but regarding the state of the windows and insulation and the structure itself (it was built during the fifties) the house needed some major improvements. But what exactly did we want? How would the works cost? What was the local legislation? What were the steps to make? Continue reading Building our home in Bucharest #2

Cristina publishes her first e-novel!

I am delighted to announce the digital publishing of the first ebook written by my wife Cristina. I am so proud of her and would like to use this opportunity in order to proclaim “ubi et orbi” all the admiration I feel for her since the day she came into my life and turned it upside down, for the best…

In the future, you may find all our writings on this blog’s “ebooks” page.

Cathy Merlin: 1. Le monde des elfes” (French edition for the time being), a novel full of adventures, is the result of a collective work – like all our projects – as far as writing, digital editing and cover making are concerned.

I wish “good luck” to the book and hope that – maybe – the interest it will raise among potential readers will determine Cristina to write its sequel which already exists in her mind and imagination. If it does not happen, do not worry as we already have tons of projects… to write down!

I wish you all the best and thank you for reading,

Building our home in Bucharest #1

Building your home – a house – is a big achievement in life: you have to struggle in order to push your organizational and financial boundaries. You find yourself entangled in legal problems you never thought about… It is a long story!

Anyway, as almost every story we started in our existence, the first move was an emotional one, a strong “emotion” that put everything “in motion”… Continue reading Building our home in Bucharest #1

41 years old : happy birthday to myself !

Well, today is a special day for me : I am at last 41 years old ! I say “at last” because my 40th birthday was rather sad, since we knew that our life would change, but we did not know how.

Today I have the answer, and I am happy, so happy ! Today I got some messages from close friends, sincere words and wishes for which I thank them all from the bottom of my heart.

We are all here for a purpose and I would like to thank my wife Cristina for inspiring and helping and loving me every single day. Thank you my love !

And for those who happen to be born on the same day, I send you all my love and say : this f… life is so amazing to live !!

I wish you all the best !

me (not to be taken very serioulsy today 😉 )

biodegradableUrnPS: I would like to end up and transform into a tree. Awesome !

why to “Google Sketchup” ideas…

While working at “Aventura Parc”, we had to hire students and train them in order to become teammates. Before that, we had to carefully read their resumes and interview them.

This interview was the first and most important test, as the candidates had to first find the adventure park 🙂 The very fact that they were present was the proof that they took the time to find us on internet and the roadmap there. After that, it was also the proof that they were interested in the job. Continue reading why to “Google Sketchup” ideas…