When You Are Your Own Publisher

I love this post about freedom and the responsibility that comes with it !

QA Productions

quinnbook I get a lot of emails from people who are just starting out with self-publishing. For the most part I enjoy the conversations. Self-publishing isn’t all that difficult to do, but there is so much information available, so many options, it can be confusing as hell. I like to think I’ve set a few folks on a path that lessens the confusion and takes some of the mystery out of the process.

What I don’t enjoy are the emails that sound fueled by panic. I fear for the panicky folks–fear sets them up to be taken advantage of by overpriced “services” and vanity presses. These folks are easily led to believe that ebook conversion is too hard for less-than-technical geniuses and that distributing ebooks is worth an upfront fee and annual charges on top of retailer commissions. They are desperate for someone to take care of them–and taken they do…

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Learning autonomy…

PARENTING – Being a parent is one of the trickiest and hardest jobs in the world. Because it lasts for life, because you have to change and adapt as long as your child is growing, because you will certainly fail on some issues, no matter how hard you try to keep up with the ever changing parameters. And mostly because there is no “user’s manual” 🙂 Continue reading Learning autonomy…

Ireland… such a beautiful living fairy tale

As for the time being we traveled around Asia, we thought about making a little European trip, where there are plenty of spots to visit.
Even if the required budget is higher in order to visit a European country than an Asiatic one, there are a few tips and tricks in order to save money 🙂 and keep up with your savings. Continue reading Ireland… such a beautiful living fairy tale

2007 – the year of the “premieres” @Aventura Parc

The year 2007 was really important to us because it was truly the first year (or year #1) of our activity (2006 being the “zero” year because it was the year of the building of the park and we did not succeed in attracting many customers to Lucianca 😦 ), the year of almost all of our “premieres”: first offer requests for the building of adventure parks, first wave of teammates and employees, first big events with many children or adults in the same time. And we managed during this year to create a structured and organized offer, after many trials and errors, many advices from our customers 😀 Continue reading 2007 – the year of the “premieres” @Aventura Parc